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One:12 Collective - Cable – X-Men

One:12 Collective - Cable – X-Men

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  • Description
    From Mezco toys. Cable was sent to the future in a bid to save his life when he was infected by a techno-organic virus. Using his formidable Telekinetic abilities and cybernetic enhancements, cable battles Super villain foes in his quest for peace. The X-Men cable one: 12 collective action figure features a light-up function that illuminates his techno-organic eye in both of his head sculpts. The Telekinetic Mutant features a detailed cybernetic arm and is outfitted in a classic blue X-Men costume Made from real cloth, along with flexible utility belt! Cable comes complete with a devastating arsenal of advanced weaponry: a plasma cannon with two removable magazines, grenade launcher with rotating carousel and handgun, spear, and separate handgun! Cable also comes with 4 sets of interchangeable hands and a one: 12 collective display base with a stand featuring the X-Men logo!
  • Details
    Category: Action Figure
    Publisher: Mezco Toyz
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